Do I Need a Rehearsal?
By Jordan Tomkins
Do I Need a Rehearsal?

It my be tempting to try and squeeze out the rehearsal when you're faced with tight get-in times and expensive venue hire costs. But is it really cost-effective to scrap the rehearsal?"Do I need a rehearsal?" It's a question that often pops up during the planning phase of any live event, be it a conference, awards ceremony, annual general meeting (AGM), live TV show, or a music event. And the answer, almost universally, is a resounding yes. Here's why.

In the world of live events, unpredictability is the only constant. Therefore, rehearsals can serve as a critical safety net, significantly reducing the margin of error. They give all involved a clearer idea of what to expect, thus allowing the event to proceed more smoothly.

During a conference, for example, a rehearsal provides speakers with an opportunity to familiarise themselves with the venue, their presentation materials, and the audio-visual equipment. This, in turn, helps to boost their confidence and minimise technical glitches. Similarly, in an awards ceremony or an AGM, rehearsing the event order, transitions between segments, and any presentations or speeches can eliminate any hiccups on the day of the event.

"But do really I need a rehearsal?" you may ask again. It takes valuable time, and might seem like an unnecessary additional headache to shoe-horn into the setup time.

The relevance of this question becomes even more prominent in the context of live broadcasted TV and events. Live broadcasts have zero room for mistakes – flubs are immortalised on the air. Rehearsals, in this scenario, serve as a vital mechanism for ironing out any creases beforehand.


And of course, in live music events, the importance of rehearsals cannot be overstated. They not only allow musicians to ensure their performance is spot-on but also offer technical teams an opportunity to perfect sound and lighting conditions. This may seem obvious. So ask yourself, if you expect the band to have rehearsed before the gig, would you not expect the speaker to have rehearsed before the conference? Or the technical team for that matter?

In conclusion, "Do I need a rehearsal?" is a question every event organiser, performer, or speaker should ask – and answer with a resounding yes. Rehearsals play a pivotal role in reducing the risk of mistakes, ensuring smooth transitions, and boosting the overall quality of events. So, the next time you plan a live event, remember to make room for that all-important rehearsal.

It might save you time and money in the short-term by removing the rehearsal time from the agenda. But can you afford the cost of the event not going well?