Identity 2024
Event Production
By Penny Sandford-Hughes
Identity 2024

PYTCH collaborated with Identity to organize an award show for a client. The event featured live entertainment and a DJ, with PYTCH providing comprehensive AV support. Adhering to the client's specific brand and theme requirements, PYTCH introduced several unique elements to the event.

Distinctive features included the utilization of Pixnet LED tape to accentuate the main stage, as well as the creation of triangular titan tube lights tailored to the client's theme, which were artistically hung from the ceiling in an asymmetrical arrangement. Additionally, a bespoke photo backdrop was designed, enabling guests to capture memorable moments throughout the evening.

Guests enjoyed an exceptional evening, particularly relishing the opportunity to take photos against the custom backdrop. The client expressed satisfaction with how well the event aligned with their theme, and everyone present shared in the joy and laughter of the occasion.

Check out this case study video from Identity 2024.