Alex Thompson
Alex Thompson
Technical Manager & Head of Electrical

What is the origin of your passion for events?

Operating the sound for a theatre show at school.

How this led to a career in events?

Studied music technology at A level and University which led me to a part time job at University at a small events company, mainly doing DJ parties and outdoor lighting. This company then grew into what it is today.

What is your education & past work background?

In College I studied in music technology, physics, and design & technology, and graduate University with a Music Technology degree. I'm also currently studying for an NVQ in electrical instalation & maintainance.
Past work in theatre lighting and live events.

What is your favourite project you've worked on?

The Spar conference in Tenerife stands out as a favourite.

What is your biggest passion for your current role?

Constantly learning about things that I find interesting.

Tell us a bit about yourself!

When not working or spending time with family I like to go Paragliding when the weather is kind.